The first "all-inclusive" unification of ITF practitioners endorsed by ITF Pioneer Grand Master Hwang, Kwang Sung K-9-1, promoted directly by General Choi Dec. 1997.
Grandmaster Hwang Kwang Sung (황광성), K-9-1
Grandmaster Kwang Sung Hwang was born in Haepyung Meon Kyung Puk Province southeast of Teagu City, South Korea. Grandmaster Hwang was raised and educated in Taegu, which is the third largest city south of the 38th parallel, and is south east of Seoul and north of Busan. At the age of eleven, he started his martial arts training. After graduating with a degree in Political Science from KyungPook National University he joined the Republic of Korean Army as a commissioned officer in 1964. Serving as a Korean Airborne and Ranger officer and serving his country in Vietnam. He was stationed in Saigon, Chu Ly, and several others. He taught Taekwon-Do to the Korean Tiger Division, the Korean Army, the US Army and the US Marines along with the Vietnamese Army. Receiving commendation medals from Korea and Vietnam. 1970 marked his retirement from the ROK Army as a Captain, and Service Company Commander of the 26th Infantry Division. Also known as the Taekwon-Do Division.
1971 marked the year Grandmaster Hwang was invited to the US and first taught a credited class at Manchester Community Technical College, and then one year later in 1972 he opened his first Taekwon-Do school. In 1974 Grandmaster Hwang graduated from the first International Taekwon-Do Federation Instructors course held by General Choi, Hong Hi in Montréal Canada. He also graduated from the ITF Umpires course. Grandmaster Hwang also happens to be one of three Grandmasters (9th Degree black belts) ever promoted by General Choi, Hong Hi. The others are Grandmaster Rhee of the UK, and Grandmaster Sereff of the US. Grandmaster Hwang has served as Director of the USA Junior Taekwon-Do team every Junior World Championships since 1990 and was the 1989 and 1992 USA Senior Taekwon-Do Team Director. Grandmaster Hwang served as special assistant to General Choi, was the Official Spokesman of the ITF, and served as Chairman of the ITF Promotion and Merger Committees. In addition, as Secretary General of the ITF.
In March 2021, GM Hwang Kwang-Sung was Inducted into the Official TaeKwon-Do Hall of Fame, recognized with a Lifetime Achievement Award for his dedication and contribution to the proliferation of TaeKwon-Do across the USA and globally.