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General Choi Hong Hi
General Choi Hong Hi
1918 - 2002
We strive to keep Gen. Choi's teachings alive and as true to original form as he intended via global initiatives.
We believe no matter which ITF organization one belongs, ITF practitioners are still "one" with General Choi Hong Hi!  
UITF Member Directory
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Member School

Here you will find Legacy Member schools, instructors, photographers and others who share the Unified-ITF vision to preserve General Choi's legacy.

UITF Shred Media
Unified-ITF Shared Media

View Unified-ITF media exclusively shared by worldwide Legacy Members and from Grandmaster Hwang's personal photo and memorabilia collection.  

Grandmaster Hwang, K-9-1

Welcome "It is our duty to preserve and carry out General Choi Hong Hi's legacy and 'his' last wish of merging all Taekwon-Do into one." - Grand Master Hwang, Kwang Sung

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